It's been awhile, right? Ten days? Yep...ten days since my last post. This has been partly due to how completely busy I've been, and partly due to the fact that I've been a little embarrassed. Ok, ok...maybe A LOT embarrassed. I had been doing so well, and my focus was so on-point. But then I started to waver. And the waver turned into more of a big, old shutdown. This isn't to say that I haven't been doing ANYTHING AT ALL. But I know I am capable of so much more, and I've really been putting my fitness on the back burner.
I'm done with that. My boyfriend lectured me a bit about it yesterday. And the day before that. And probably another day last week. But, to be honest, I wouldn't want it any other way. I know he's only doing it for my own good, and I love him so much for that. I would be doing the same thing if the roles were reversed. He cares. And he has to care more when I don't care. Just like I would put in extra effort if his effort was lacking, so as to nudge him along.
So, I'm back, baby! P90X FULL FORCE! Continuing with my BBL 4-week challenge! And back to 90-100% CLEAN EATING!! I'm feeling motivated, ready, and so so determined. And that's all I need for now.
/R. Angelina
You go girl!! I slipped a bit last week too but you can totally do it!