Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Dancing in front of the mirror.

This morning, I got dressed into a pair of Dickies pants for work and who would've guess...they're loose! Now, these are the pants that a few weeks ago when I wore them, I had that gross "muffin top" stuff stickin' out the sides. But no more!! I have yet to take my measurements again, but a lot of times, your clothing and energy level are good indicators of how you are doing on your journey, and I think I'm doing pretty well.

As I've mentioned in a previous post or two, I had a small case of the stomach flu for about two days, and since then, have had a messed up neck that has taken me out of my routine. But not only has it taken me away from my P90X schedule, I have also been in not-so-great moods because I haven't had the chance to work out like I've wanted. It can be SO frustrating. However, I am taking back control. I have a follow-up appointment with the acupuncturist tomorrow, but I decided even though I have to go and get that taken care of, I'm starting my P90X TO. MOR. ROW. It's time. I've made the decision to, instead of restarting my Week 3, go back a week and start from Week 2 because I missed a little less than two weeks. I just feel like this will be the best for my body, self-confidence, and it will just help me all around.

Oh, and as for the title of this entry, when I looked in the mirror after putting on my Dickies this morning, I started jumping around and dancing! Cheesy, I know. But I don't care.

/R. Angelina

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