I'll admit it...I love to read magazines. All different types. Fashion, cooking, magazines about music, crafting, teeny-bopper stuff, and most of all, health & fitness magazines. My favorites have become mags like "Shape", "Women's Health", and "Self" but I have to say, I do NOT love seeing all the advertisements for fat-burning pills, gastric bypass surgeries, and magical drinks that enable you to lose 10 pounds in 24 hours. How is it that we have these magazines with articles about how to healthy eating on page 10, which exercises are the best to tone your butt or rip your abs on page 17, and then when you turn to the next page, you see an ad that completely diminishes and counteracts everything you just read, learned about, and absorbed? I really feel that the editors of these magazines are doing a disservice to their readers when they include these types of hyped-up, false advertisements. Now, I'm not naive - I know companies need to make money so they advertise for products and companies to gain a profit. But why not advertise something you truly believe in, something that is relevant and true, something that you can feel good about promoting?
Just my 2 cents.
/R. Angelina
Very True!!!