Saturday, August 13, 2011

The Dessert Myth

It seems we've always been told that desserts are bad for us. They have tons of calories, fat up the wazoo, and they're only allowed after we've finished our healthy dinner. But I'm here to tell you to forget what you've been taught and start taking matters into your own hands! Do your own research, read all your ingredients, and take control!

Here's a recipe for CLEAN cookies that are absolutely to die for, courtesy of "Clean Food" by Terry Walters. ENJOY!! :)

Banana Coconut Chocolate Chip Cookies
2 bananas, mashed
1/4 cup canola oil
1/4 cup maple syrup
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup rolled oats
2/3 cup brown rice flour
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 cup shredded unsweetened dried coconut
Pinch of sea salt
1/4 cup semi-sweet dark chocolate chips
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

In medium bowl, combine bananas, oil, syrup, and vanilla. In separate medium bowl, combine oats, flour, baking soda, coconut, and salt. Add the banana mixture to the dry ingredients and blend until just combined (do not overstir). Fold in chocolate chips.

Line cookie sheet with parchment paper and drop batter by the heaping teaspoon onto sheet. There is no need to roll, flatten or shape the mounds. Place in oven and bake 14 minutes or until lightly browned. Remove from oven and place directly on wire rack to cool.

Makes 1 1/2 dozen cookies.

/R. Angelina

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

If you can't afford to be HEALTHY, you definitely can't afford to be SICK!

A fellow Team Dynasty Beachbody Coach, Jen, whipped this up after doing research on the topic. I know it can be difficult to look at the cost of a month's supply of Shakeology (about $120) as worth it, but it TOTALLY is. It comes out to about $4 a $4 a meal because you typically use a shake as a meal replacement. Many of us are spending more than $4 a day at Starbucks or close to $10 going out to lunch, so Shakeology is a wonderful option!! Questions? Visit :)

About one-third of U.S. adults (33.8%) are obese. Approximately 17% (or 12.5 million) of children and adolescents aged 2—19 years are obese, according to the CDC. For the first time in history, children born after 2000 are projected to have a shorter life-expectancy than their parents. It's time to purchase healthy, sometimes more costly, all natural nutrient-dense ingrediants that fuel our body and help PREVENT diabetes.

Cost of Obesity-Related Diabetes

Heart Attack
Direct Costs: Ambulance transportation, diagnostic tests, hospitalization, and possibly surgery and a pacemaker or implantable defibrillator. Long-term maintenance of heart disease is also expensive, including medications, testing, and cardiologist appointments.
Indirect costs: It's harder to grasp the indirect costs of heart disease, but they can be enormous. The biggest are lost productivity and income. Many people might be able to return to work a few months after having a heart attack. But even losing income for a few months can cause grave financial problems. Surveys show that most people would be only 90 days away from bankruptcy if they stopped getting paid. People with more severe disease may never able to return to work full time, or at all.
Those who don't have good health insurance, or no insurance, can be financially ruined by heart disease overnight. That can also be true for people who do have decent health insurance. The lost wages alone can be crippling.
Even if you don’t develop heart disease, it's still costing you. "You're paying for cardiovascular disease whether you have it or not," Heidenreich says. "You're paying for it in your taxes and your health insurance premiums." He estimates that the average person in the U.S. is paying $878 per year for the societal costs of heart disease.
Despite diabetes' ominous potential, learning about the complications serves to reinforce the treatment regimes necessary to reduce, if not eliminate the potential pitfalls of the disease.

Cardiovascular Disease
Heart disease and strokes are the leading cause of death in diabetics, accounting for approximately 65% of all deaths. The most common types are coronary heart disease, resulting from fatty deposits in the arteries, and high blood pressure, or hypertension. Approximately 74% of adult diabetics have high blood pressure or use prescription medication for hypertension. High cholesterol is also a cardiovascular disease complication.

Diabetes/Kidney Disease
Kidney disease, or diabetic nephropathy, is the leading cause of kidney failure. The condition is the slow deterioration of kidney function, which can ultimately lead to kidney failure. Diabetic kidney failure is known as end-stage renal disease or ESRD, and accounts for approximately 44% of all cases in 2005.

Diabetes/Nerve Damage
Nervous system damage, or neuropathy, affects approximately 60%-70% of diabetics. The neuropathy damage varies widely in scope and type of affliction. Damage can include reduced sensation, possibly pain in hands, feet, arms and/or legs, and carpal tunnel syndrome. Amputations are also a possible result of neuropathic damage. Autonomic neuropathy, a type of nervous system disorder, can affect the autonomous nervous system, which controls breathing, sexual function (men and women), circulation, urination, digestion and temperature regulation.

Diabetic Retinopathy
Diabetic retinopathy is the leading cause of blindness in adults (20-74), approximately 12,000 to 24,000 cases a year. Retinopathy progressively destroys the small blood vessels in the eye, affecting vision. Ultimately, the disease can advance to blindness, known as proliferative retinopathy.

/R. Angelina

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Would anyone care for some mixed messages?

I'll admit it...I love to read magazines. All different types. Fashion, cooking, magazines about music, crafting, teeny-bopper stuff, and most of all, health & fitness magazines. My favorites have become mags like "Shape", "Women's Health", and "Self" but I have to say, I do NOT love seeing all the advertisements for fat-burning pills, gastric bypass surgeries, and magical drinks that enable you to lose 10 pounds in 24 hours. How is it that we have these magazines with articles about how to healthy eating on page 10, which exercises are the best to tone your butt or rip your abs on page 17, and then when you turn to the next page, you see an ad that completely diminishes and counteracts everything you just read, learned about, and absorbed? I really feel that the editors of these magazines are doing a disservice to their readers when they include these types of hyped-up, false advertisements. Now, I'm not naive - I know companies need to make money so they advertise for products and companies to gain a profit. But why not advertise something you truly believe in, something that is relevant and true, something that you can feel good about promoting?

Just my 2 cents.

/R. Angelina

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Quite some time...

So, I have definitely been neglecting my poor blog. A tremendous amount of things have happened in the past two months that I can't wait to share!

The biggest recent change in my life is that I finally made the decision to become an Independent Beachbody Coach!!! I really think this is a long time coming - I just had to take a risk & jump in...and I feel great :D Eating clean, working out, and all the positive support I have received since beginning this journey has been invaluable, and I can't wait to start helping others find their true potential and live their best lives! For more information on how to start changing your life for the better, visit my Beachbody page:

I've been working a lot which is good for my paycheck, but not good enough. Soon, I'll be training to be a server at my work, and it'll be great to start making some big tips!

My boyfriend has been in Jamaica for the past week, and it's definitely been a little strange without him here. I haven't even spoken to him on the phone because he didn't take his cell. He emails me once a day but basically just to let me know what they are going to do that afternoon. It'll be nice to see him on Tuesday when he's back :)

I'm just feeling so excited about all the new changes and developments in my life, and I cannot wait to meet even more people to come with me on my continuing journey!

"Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try."

/R. Angelina

Friday, May 20, 2011

Just a quick update.

Now that the semester's over, I'm going at this journey all the way! I have NO EXCUSES and I'm on my way to a slimmer, leaner, healthier, stronger, better life!!!

/R. Angelina

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

We all have a voice.

"Painted Control"

He applies the plaster
Reshapes her
Then paints her to his perfection
While she suffocates and slowly dies
Her complaints lead to his frustration
She prays he gets angry and throws her
Crack the mold so she can breathe a little
Throw her again
Maybe she can slip through those cracks
But as soon as she tries to escape
He notices and patches her quickly 
He applies the plaster
Reshapes her
Then paints her again to his perfection
Her screams were never heard
She had cried for years
Her soul nearly drowned
She had died several times before you saved her...
Thank you, God, for the courage and strength to leave.

- Anonymous

We all have a voice. Let's use it. Let's help end domestic violence.

/R. Angelina

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

It's time for some social change.

Yesterday for my psychology of women class, I had to write a detailed plan promoting social change for young girls and/or women. When I began to write it, I was just concerned about following the prompt and getting a good grade on the assignment. But as I continued to lay out my plan for social change, ideas kept popping into my head...realistic, legitimate, do-able concepts. This plan was really coming together! Once I was finished, I realized that this was definitely something that I could accomplish, whether it be sooner or much later, and that was an exciting feeling.

I decided to post a copy of my plan for a fitness/nutrition/positive club for young girls:

Healthy, Happy Women are the Prettiest:
My Social Action Plan

I once read a quote that said, “Happy girls are the prettiest”. I definitely believe this but I would agree even more if it said, “Healthy, happy girls are the prettiest” because I feel that good, positive health is so important to a person’s happiness and overall value of life. My goal and dream is for the United States to have healthy individuals be the norm rather than what it is right now: 34 percent of adults are obese, while 17 percent of our children are obese ( These numbers are staggering and that is why I want to start a club for young girls and women to gain knowledge about nutrition, fitness, positive body images, and to gain healthy perspectives of themselves and of their lives.
I will begin this process by creating folders with healthy recipes that I have been accumulating and various fitness regimens for different ages, fitness levels, and body types. It is important to distinguish between distinctive fitness and workout intensities so that you know at what level each young woman is and how much they will be able to progress. I will consult with my brother who is a certified personal trainer and do extra research to make sure that what I am planning will work correctly for my girls, as well as talking to my boyfriend who has a great deal of knowledge on these subjects. This also may include a visit to a physician and/or nutritionist to be sure I am on the right track.

Using my own computer programs, I will create flyers and pamphlets to place around my college campus as well as local middle and high schools, mall stores, movie theaters, and other popular teen hangout spots. My mother is an elementary school teacher so her job is a great way to advertise not only to young women in her class, but also girls they may be related to or friends with, about my club. Another great vehicle is my uncle who is the Chula Vista City Attorney. He attends most (if not all) local meetings and conventions, and I would definitely use his profession as a way to get the word out and promote my cause throughout my community. It is one thing to hear information from an authority figure, but another to hear it from your peers, so the fact that I have many younger cousins (mostly girls) is perfect for this situation. I would inform them of my club’s specifics so they could discuss it with their friends and classmates to further get the word out to yet another group of young women.
After the initial paperwork is completed, I will proceed to looking for a workout space, possibly beginning with using my own house. Although the area does not have a huge amount of room, there is a kitchen, which would definitely be beneficial for the days when focusing on nutrition. I already have sufficient equipment to begin the workouts, such as dumbbells, gloves and a punching bag, jump ropes, yoga mats, bicycles, a bench press, rings, and resistance bands, but more equipment would not hurt. This leads me to buying extra equipment such as an elliptical machine and I will then continue to accrue more and more as my project develops.
At a basic level, my club will not require a tremendous amount of money, but as we grow, there may be a need to expand and financial aid may be necessary. Other than a large piece of workout equipment (such as a treadmill or elliptical), I feel that the food would probably be the majority of expenses. However, once I go through teaching my members about easy and potentially inexpensive ways to cook healthy meals, the money concern may not be as high. Also, it will certainly be a group effort where I buy certain ingredients to share with the group, and each of the other members bring other items so that we can all learn and share, and save money while we are at it.
Although the focus would be on fitness and nutrition, this group would not only be for overweight girls, but for girls of any shape, size, color, socioeconomic status, and lifestyle. My club would also be sure and focus partially on the idea of good versus bad body images, positivity for one’s self, and overall optimistic and encouraging attitudes. This will be a place where girls can go to be supported and supportive of others, learn about healthy eating habits, exercising, and basically learning about themselves.

/R. Angelina

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Timing is everything.

Seeing as how it's been a quick second since I last posted, I thought I'd write a quick entry before getting ready for work tonight.

I'm totally back on track and am feeling fantastic!! I missed my BBL workouts yesterday, so doubled up, and did them today. For those keeping track, that's 4 BBL workouts completed today: Cardio Axe, High & Tight, Bum Bum, and Tummy Tuck!! Phew, I'm spent. Now, tonight, I'll finish off my day with P90X Yoga X.

I'm so glad I have myself and my schedule situated because guess what tomorrow is...
The first day of the Team Bombshell Summer Slim-down Challenge!!! I am soooo excited to get myself in motion! I have my goals set and ready to achieve :)

I really believe that timing can make all the difference, and my time is NOW. I'll be updating you all with my progress on this 90-day (and ongoing, for that matter) journey, and I hope you come along for the ride!!

Success is not final, failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts.       -W. Churchill

/R. Angelina

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I'm ready, Freddie!

It's been awhile, right? Ten days? Yep...ten days since my last post. This has been partly due to how completely busy I've been, and partly due to the fact that I've been a little embarrassed. Ok, ok...maybe A LOT embarrassed. I had been doing so well, and my focus was so on-point. But then I started to waver. And the waver turned into more of a big, old shutdown. This isn't to say that I haven't been doing ANYTHING AT ALL. But I know I am capable of so much more, and I've really been putting my fitness on the back burner.

I'm done with that. My boyfriend lectured me a bit about it yesterday. And the day before that. And probably another day last week. But, to be honest, I wouldn't want it any other way. I know he's only doing it for my own good, and I love him so much for that. I would be doing the same thing if the roles were reversed. He cares. And he has to care more when I don't care. Just like I would put in extra effort if his effort was lacking, so as to nudge him along.

So, I'm back, baby! P90X FULL FORCE! Continuing with my BBL 4-week challenge! And back to 90-100% CLEAN EATING!! I'm feeling motivated, ready, and so so determined. And that's all I need for now.

/R. Angelina

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Butt lifting on hold...for now.

I was planning on starting BBL (Brazil Butt Lift) Thursday, but after talking to my coach, Abby, we both decided we're going to be each others' accountability partners and begin the 4-week challenge on Monday. I believe this will be her last week, and it will be my first! I'm sooo excited! I did a few days of BBL when I FIRST started P90X but somehow let it slowly exit my life. I don't know why...I think I just got too overwhelmed and wanted to be completely focused on ONE program for the time being and let that program be P90X. But now I'm ready to get back in the saddle.

Butt lifting, here I come!!

/R. Angelina

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Doin' work!

This weekend and next week are going to be very busy and hectic for me. Since I was going to write out my to-do list, I figured I type it up on here instead (maybe it'll keep me more accountable).

THU 04.14:
- Acupuncture and massage
- Clean out car
- Organize closet
- Type up Comm 492 notes for exam #2
- P90X Chest & Back, Ab Ripper X

FRI 04.15:
- P90X Plyo X
- BBL High & Tight
- School until 12 PM
- Work at 6 PM
- Finish Comm 492 study guide

SAT 04.16:
- P90X Shoulders & Arms, Ab Ripper X
- BBL Bum Bum, Tummy Tuck
- Work at 12 PM
- Start Comm 465 transcription paper
- Study for Comm 492 exam

SUN 04.17:
- P90X Legs & Back, Ab Ripper X
- Grocery shopping
- Make week's meals
- Finish Comm 465 transcription paper
- Study for Comm 492 exam
- P90X Yoga X

MON 04.18:
- P90X Kenpo X
- BBL Booty Basics, Bum Bum
- School 11 AM-315 PM (Comm 492 exam part 1)
- Work at 530 PM
- Write WS 325 assignment #3 and submit online

TUE 04.19:
- School 9 AM-940 PM (Turn in Comm 465 transcription paper)
- BBL Cardio Axe, High & Tight
- Finish Comm 465 group paper

WED 04.20:
- P90X Chest & Back, Ab Ripper X
- BBL Booty Basics, Bum Bum
- School 11 AM-315 PM (Comm 492 exam part 2)
- Work at 530 PM

THU 04.21:
- School 9 AM-2 PM (Turn in Comm 465 group paper)
- P90X Plyo X

FRI 04.22:
- P90X Shoulders & Arms, Ab Ripper X
- BBL Cardio Axe, High & Tight
- School until 12 PM
- Work at 6 PM

SAT 04.23:
- P90X Yoga X
- BBL Bum Bum, Tummy Tuck
- Work at 6 PM

SUN 04.24:
- P90X Legs & Back, Ab Ripper X
- Work at 5 PM

There! I feel much better. Now I just have to get going...

/R. Angelina

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Dancing in front of the mirror.

This morning, I got dressed into a pair of Dickies pants for work and who would've guess...they're loose! Now, these are the pants that a few weeks ago when I wore them, I had that gross "muffin top" stuff stickin' out the sides. But no more!! I have yet to take my measurements again, but a lot of times, your clothing and energy level are good indicators of how you are doing on your journey, and I think I'm doing pretty well.

As I've mentioned in a previous post or two, I had a small case of the stomach flu for about two days, and since then, have had a messed up neck that has taken me out of my routine. But not only has it taken me away from my P90X schedule, I have also been in not-so-great moods because I haven't had the chance to work out like I've wanted. It can be SO frustrating. However, I am taking back control. I have a follow-up appointment with the acupuncturist tomorrow, but I decided even though I have to go and get that taken care of, I'm starting my P90X TO. MOR. ROW. It's time. I've made the decision to, instead of restarting my Week 3, go back a week and start from Week 2 because I missed a little less than two weeks. I just feel like this will be the best for my body, self-confidence, and it will just help me all around.

Oh, and as for the title of this entry, when I looked in the mirror after putting on my Dickies this morning, I started jumping around and dancing! Cheesy, I know. But I don't care.

/R. Angelina

Monday, April 11, 2011

To coach or not to coach?

That is the question.

Now, this is something that has been on my mind for the past month and I still have yet to make a decision. But that's alright. Doing things in my own time - when I'M ready - will definitely be one of my keys to success. Coaching?, you may ask. What type of coaching? Well, I've been contemplating becoming a Beachbody coach. There are so many benefits to being involved in this program, such as meeting new people, helping others achieve their goals, keeping myself accountable, and of course, the financial benefits of discounts on products and making money while I do something I already love!

However, I've gone back and forth with this. One part of me says, YES! GO FOR IT! And the other is saying, Who is going to want you as his/her coach when there are so many others who have made greater strides/have better bodies/are more fit/etc./etc.? So this is where the conflict comes in. Now I know no one is perfect so I'm not striving for perfection. But at times, it does seem difficult to really see myself being able to guide someone when I do not have ALL the tools yet. This is why I'm taking my time to decide so that I am very informed on the business end and I am getting myself right on the fitness/nutrition end as well.

As of right now, I am 98% sure that by the end of this year, I WILL be a Beachbody coach. Now, I just have to take the steps to gaining the knowledge and continuing to better myself so that I can use my own example to teach and guide others.

/R. Angelina

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Motivate, Aspire, Persevere

I definitely have ideas floating around in my brain of what I want to accomplish, where I hope to be in x months, and what I really want for myself. However, I know that getting them down on paper - or the computer for the purpose of this blog entry - can provide a much clearer and more focused image of one's goals. So, here we go. The following are my goals for this year, in no particular order:

+ Reach my goal weight of 145.
+ Complete a round of P90X and continue on to an even more intense program.
+ Continue eating clean 90-95% of every week.
+ Buy my dream Esther Williams swimsuit and wear it out in public.
+ Be able to do at least 8 REAL push-ups and 1 REAL pull-up.
+ Try 100 or more new recipes (and keep them for the future).
+ Help spread the ideals of clean eating to those around me, including my family.
+ Treat myself to some new outfits once I start developing my new body and lifestyle. 
+ Become a confident, inspirational Beachbody coach.
+ Continue to blog regularly.
+ Love, appreciate, and respect myself and my relationships.

Remember what Johann Wolfgang von Goethe once said:
What is not started today is never finished tomorrow. 

/R. Angelina

Saturday, April 9, 2011

You can't always get what you want.

But if you try sometimes, you just might find you get what you need.

These are words I've been trying to replay over and over in my head the last nine days. Why, you may wonder?  Well, last week, I decided that I would re-do my P90X Week 3 because I had missed three workouts and it would just be better all around. Then I caught a small case of the stomach flu so I missed out on two more days. And to top it off, I've had this terribly stiff, sore neck since Sunday morning. I've tried heating pads, Icy Hot, ibuprofen, stretching, rubbing, sleeping differently, but now I'm at a loss. My neck step is either an acupuncturist or a chiropractor, but honestly, I was hoping it wouldn't get to that point.

I just need to do what I need to do, and not worry about the negative aspect of all of this. I know that this happened for a reason, and I am constantly telling myself this so as not to go insane. I used to workout regularly at the gym and attend kickboxing, step, and Pilates classes and would definitely miss them when I wasn't able to attend. However, since starting P90X, I realize now exactly how much I miss it when I can't do it. I guess I'm addicted :)

I was planning to do my 3-day Shakeology cleanse during my recovery week, but I've decided to take advantage of SOMETHING with this neck situation, and start my cleanse today instead. So, wish me luck, blogging world!

/R. Angelina

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Is "healthy" always healthy?

Right now, I'm taking two women's studies classes, and really enjoying learning so many things. It's interesting, though, how much we already know but have not attempted to change because it has become the norm for us. I sometimes find myself feeling sad or discouraged in my classes, but there are even more instances where I feel motivated to help create change.

Thomas Jefferson said it wonderfully:
Every generation needs a new revolution.

So, with that as my preface, I'd like to talk about something that we discussed yesterday in my psychology of women class.  The reason I feel so inclined to talk about these things is because it is so extremely important to remember that while many of us are working hard to change our lives and create healthier bodies and minds, there are those among us who believe they are being "healthy", but, in fact, crossed that line long ago and are nearing a dangerous zone.

There was an experiment done with 6-year old girls and the majority of them answered that they would rather be dead than fat.

95% of those suffering from anorexia nervosa are women, and 5-10% will die of anorexia.

Individuals with a binge-eating disorder have at least 2 episodes per week for at least 6 weeks of uncontrollable binge-eating.

At any given time, roughly 40% of women in the United States are dieting. Yo-yo dieting can have severe repercussions and can sometimes affect one's body more negatively than if he/she had never dieted in the first place.

Now, don't get me wrong - I am ALL FOR a healthy lifestyle. But this can be different for different people. Some need to exercise more often or more intensely, while others may be set just by taking walks a few times every week. There are those of us who have a much faster metabolism than others (I am definitely not in that group :/), so they may have an easier time with things when it comes to food and nutrition. We are all different and that's so important to keep in mind.

I want to always have a good life filled with exercise and great eating habits, and to do this, I must constantly remember how fine the line is between thinking we are healthy, and actually BEING HEALTHY. There are the over-eaters, under-eaters, over-exercisers, bingers, purgers, and everything in between, and to say they are unhealthy is an understatement. I just wanted to bring this to light because, while we are all on our own paths to becoming our best selves, being aware of what is going on in our society is so, so important.

I'll end with one of many prominent Buddha quotes:
To keep the body in good health is a duty. Otherwise, we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear. 

/R. Angelina

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Sometimes you'll just have those weeks.

Despite how excited I felt at the beginning of the week to nearly be done with Week 3 of P90X and be able to do my cleanse during my recovery week, I've made a decision: I'm going to re-do my Week 3. I've missed 3 workouts in a row (horrible, I know) partly due to my hectic work schedule and being so tired afterwards, partly due to the laziness that comes after work, and I missed yesterday's because I woke up with something resembling the stomach flu, along with a horribly stiff and sore neck. In the past, I may have felt bad, like I let myself down because I'm going to repeat this past week, but I'm NOT going to beat myself up about it. I'm doing what I know is right for me, and that's all that matters.

On another note, I've been eating clean for about a week now, and I'm officially addicted! It's the looking up new recipes, researching new foods and products, and just realizing how good I feel now that I'm putting the right things into my body :)

/R. Angelina

Sunday, April 3, 2011

I never thought I'd find myself here...

As some of you may know, I have been doing P90X for 19 days...and I have loved every second of it! Even the times I've hated it, I've loved it. I feel so great knowing that I'm sticking to something that, in reality, is actually pretty challenging overall.

But not only have I been working out, I started eating CLEAN. At first, I admit I was unsure about the whole thing. I was so used to the convenience of a taco shop burrito, or the caramel syrup on a frozen coffee drink that I didn't know if I wanted to change those things. But I decided (after some nudging from friends who are clean eaters) that I would buy Tosca Reno's "The Eat-Clean Diet: Recharged" and give it a go. And what do you know! I loved the book! It was not only easy to read, follow, understand, and enjoy, but it made me feel so excited to start a much healthier lifestyle. As of right now, I have been going at it full force, and I feel fantastic! I have recommended this way of eating to several people already, including my boyfriend who recently bought "The Eat-Clean Diet For Men" :)

I have so much to be thankful for in my life, and things are so amazing! I cannot wait to see what happens in these next few months, and how much better my life will continue to get.

/R. Angelina

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Oh, this is the start of something good.

Where to start? Well, this is my first post. Ever. Ever ever. I've always been an avid blog reader, however, I never thought of starting my OWN blog. But recently it's been poking at the back of my min, and now that I have so many new changes coming on, I thought this would be the perfect time to document my journey.

So begin my writings...hope you're along for the ride.

/R. Angelina